Resettlementof Janah Merah Village 2004 - Tangguh LNG Project
Resettlementof Janah Merah Village 2004 - Tangguh LNG Project
Record options
- Release Date: 7th September 2005
- Asset ID: 804586
- Synopsis: A film showing the resettlement of the villagers of Tangguh who had to be moved to another location when BP developed the Tanggugh Project.
- Shotlist: POV from speed boat along river; graphics across globe; people getting off boat to resettle in new village; aerial over village; graphics of Tangguh LNG Project; helicopter; river from boat; aerial over forest; drilling; intvw. David Clarkson (Tangguh Project PUL); graphic of oil well; helicopter landing next to river; aerial over forest in Tanah Merah; graphics LNG tanker; 2 men heading for fishing boat; mangrove; aerial over forest; helicopter taking off; children walking through village; villagers getting into boat; GVs village life; intvw. Rick Harrison (Resettlement team manager); Tangguh’s Community Affairs Field Team (CAFT) meeting resettlement team; intvw. Erwin Maryoto (Community Affairs Manager); intvw. Irma Fernandez (Resettlement Team); GVs villagers; intvw. Winfrids Mofu (Resettlement Team); villagers on bikes; intvw. Rob Gerrits (Resettlement manager); team examining plans; model home; intvw. Lina Mantasan (Tana Merah villager); children watching man chopping logs; 10:07:21 woman carrying water on her head; intvw. Martinus Agova (villager); construction training programme; intvw. Rosalina Rumbino (Resettlement team); inauguration ceremony to celebrate start of construction of new site; men from neighbouring villages in construction work; aerial over new village; church; classroom; new homes; packing boxes being distributed to villagers; people packing up; intvw. Rob Gerrits; jetty and warehouse being constructed; advice books on running new homes distributed; household goods shipped by LCT; livestock on canoe; Papuan academics arriving on boat to observe the move; villagers gathering at cemetery to leave offering to forefathers before leaving; intvw. Martinus Agova; villagers packing; villagers sitting on step; 10:13:11 sailing down river from POV boat; villagers in longboats; celebration on arrival; first families leaving home; people leaving in boats with lifejackets; villagers arrive, sign documents and receive keys; intvw. David Clarkson; children on bike; intvw. Gerrits; villagers looking after vegetable patch; intvw. Winfrids Mofu; montage of images of villagers and aerial over new village; 10:19:22 END
- Production Company: None
- Licensing Restrictions: Music
- Viewing Restrictions: Public
- Format: Digibeta_Small
- Alternative Language Notes: None