A Fifth For Forties (1987)
A Fifth For Forties (1987)
Record options
- Release Date: 1st January 1987
- Asset ID: 800508
- Synopsis: A film charting the production and development in 1984 of the fifth (Echo) platform on the forties field, which is unmanned. A large amount of footage, including the split screen section are from 'Sea Area Forties'.
- Shotlist: 12:58:09 Pan L to R people walking towards a helicopter standing on platform pad, MS 2S loading helicopter with luggage, MS helicopter pilot in his cockpit, MCU man closing hatch, MS LS helicopter wheels to helicopter taking off the platform pad. 12:58:50 LS platform alleyway, MWS platform machinery. 12:58:55 Aerial shot pan over the Echo platform in the North Sea, graphics showing the location and map of the Echo platform. Pan over oil rig structure towed by tug boat in the sea, split screen showing the construction process of Forties oil fields. 13:00:03 Graphics showing the Forties oil fields and the fifth Echo platform. HA pan over construction work on the well template, HA L to R across the template, GVs men welding. Pan aerial shot over a mobile drilling rig in the sea, LS lowering the template into position on the seabed, GVs process of lowering the drilling template on the seabed, pan R to L GVs drilling process. 13:01:54 GVs of people using computers working on the design of the platform, 3S LA GVs assembling parts of the platform. Aerial shot pan across Forties Alpha platform R to L, GVs modification work on Alpha platform, pan GVs installing new risers on Alpha platform, GVs more equipment and parts being installed on Alpha platform. MS pan GVs over men working on a module of the Echo platform. MCU GVs welding and construction process of Echo's jackets. LA MWS a truck transporting the frame of the module build in Middlesbrough to the construction yard, GVs or construction work on the frame. 13:04:53 LS GVs men working on the electronic equipment and wiring of the platform in Stevenage. GVs of harbour and cranes waiting, GVs construction and assembly work on the platform jackets. LA zooming in the platform jacket at port of Cromarty, GVs transporting jacket onto a barge. LS zooming out GVs the completed two modules transported out of fabrication shed in Middlesbrough. Pan R to L men standing and watching the transportation of the jacket across Cromarty Firth harbour, pan L to R GVs aerial pan tug boat towing a barge carrying the jacket and sailing towards Forties oil field. 13:08:11 LS zooming out GVs platform installation at the Forties oil field, MS men sitting behind computers monitoring the installation and assembly process of the platform, CU men watching monitors, MCU monitors, GVs control room, GVs works on the jacket during heavy fog. 13:09:33 GVs a crane working on balancing the jacket into vertical position, pan L to R GVs men working in the control room to guide the installation work of the jacket on top of the template. 13:10:44 GVs installing and securing process of the jacket on the seabed. 13:11:31 Aerial pan R to L over the installed jacket of the Echo platform and a mobile rig. 13:11:55 LS zooming out a tug boat towing a barge through harbour, LA MWS zooming in Echo platform modules on the construction yard, GVs men working on positioning tests of the rig equipment. 13:12:35 GVs transporting the modules to a barge. MWS Echo's jacket in the North Sea, GVs of the module approaching the jacket. GVs rough sea at the Echo jacket and the waiting module. GVs near Aberdeen the lifting work of the module aboard the crane barge. LS a vessel during bad weather at sea, MWS man walking on the platform in stormy weather, GVs welding work, GVs lifting process of the well bay module onto the jacket. GVs Crowning process of the platform derek. GVs of Echo's installed first module. 13:15:47 GVs installation process of the second module on Echo's platform. Aerial GVs of a support vessel and Echo platform. GVs men walking across a bridge connecting the support vessel and the platform, GVs men working on the platform, aerial shot of Alpha platform, GVs Alpha's control room. 13:17:20 Aerial shot Echo's platform, MS men working inside Echo's control room, GVs Forties Echo platform. 13:19:05 BP shield logo 13:19:08 END
- Production Company: None
- Licensing Restrictions: None
- Viewing Restrictions: Public
- Format: Other
- Alternative Language Notes: None