Clean Beaches (1973)
Clean Beaches (1973)
Record options
- Release Date: 1st January 1973
- Asset ID: 801865
- Synopsis: March 1967 the Torey Canyon (Texaco) sank releasing 118,000 off the south west of England. There was no clear cut plan to deal with the spillage. This film shows the problems that oil spillage can cause and how the companies and governments tried to deal with problems.
- Shotlist: 10:00:01 Titles. 10:00:08 Aerial shot oil spillage from the Torey Canyon tanker, GVs oil spillage on coastline, GVs floating booms, GVs beach cleaning from oil spillage, GVs people on the beach. 10:01:44 GVs coastline, CU marine life, GVs lab tests, GVs coastline and oil spillage. 10:03:27 GVs using a boom to contain the oil spillage, GVs lab tests. 10:05:05 GVs boat spraying dispersant agents onto the oil spillage, GVs dispersant lab tests, GVs coastline oil spillage clean up, GVs hand operated dispersant sprays at work. 10:07:45 GVs coastline, GVs using lightweight vehicles to spray on the beach. 10:09:20 GVs boats used to spray dispersant, pan across coastline R to L, GVs fishing boat, GVs lab tests on marine life, GVs oil spillage on the coastline, LS clean beach. 10:12:08 Titles, BP shield logo 10:12:31 END
- Production Company: None
- Licensing Restrictions: None
- Viewing Restrictions: Public
- Format: BetaSP_Small
- Alternative Language Notes: None